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1. Don't Let The Kids Win, Julia Jacklin

Don't let the kids win is my favorite song of Julia's. (Probably.) It's terribly sad, so maybe that's why. I showed my mother Julia's music this past summer, and she's come to love her too. We're in Tokyo right now (me and mom, not me and Julia), and I went to Tower Records yesterday. It's the biggest record store I've ever seen—I can't even imagine one bigger—and I almost left without buying anything at all. And then I saw they had one Julia Jacklin record left, and the cover is so beautiful when it's all big like that, and I listen to Julia with my mother, and mostly because the cover is so brilliant and Don't Let The Kids Win (song) is so fantastic, and because I'd love to make pasta sauce to her music (when I grow up), I decided to buy it. I played it for my mom last night, and we laid on her bed with our legs against the wall for a much needed stretch (traveling makes our knees ache), and then she put it on this morning before she did her yoga. I was laying in the top bunk with the window open and the air cold. I think I forgot to mention the record itself is blue. It is bright, just like the exercise ball on the cover. The record player in our hotel is crappy, but it sounds like Julia is singing to us. I love this record, and I love that I bought it in Tokyo. 

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